Hello Jackie

At last I have a folder of images in a zipper to download. There are one or two that you MAY feel are a bit “the same”, but they are quite ….moody on the Cobb. Delete or send as you wish! All I ask is that they are credited to me if they are used online or anywhere else.

They are mostly full resolution so quite large file sizes, one or two from a while ago and not so large… IF you want web optimised I can sort that if it’s not something you have available.

I’ll check the link now, but it should be a download on this link. 44Mb zip folder size.

Hope they will be ok.

Bye for now

Mike Finding's signature

PS – I have more in the pipeline, probably a bit more sun involved! If you see any others on the site here that you like – do shout and I’ll send ’em over!

Lyme is our place of the “whoosa moment!” We arrive and all in the world just is EXCELLENT! I have also had some excellent gigs down there with the bands in the past!


Here are five shots from this last weekend. Click each to download a higher resolution version.

Lyme Regis - photo

Lyme Regis - photo

Lyme Regis - photo

Tide out on Lyme Regis Beach - photo

Tide out on Lyme Regis Beach - photo

separator image

The photos below are low resolution examples of the photos in the downloadable zip folder. They can be downloaded (right click the image and Save As down on to your computer)

They are NOT print quality, but can be displayed, as here, on your computer screen, or set up as a “screen saver” should you wish. You will also see that some of the older ones have a copyright mark on them….I forgot that was there!










A view thro' Lyme gardens





Photos of Lyme — No Comments

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