How Can I find Time to Take Photos?
I was asked a question just the other day by one of our subscribers…
I’m so busy with my daily work as a student, that I can’t find time to look towards my camera. Please give me suggestion how do I make time for photography.
Well – good question, but don’t pressure yourself with thinking “I just don’t have time…..” and thoughts like that.
Whatever camera you have – be it phone camera, “point and shoot”….or even a DSLR – just find a way to keep some kind of camera with you…Then – just keep your eyes open and look at the local scenery – look close and see what nearby things attract another closer look.
I asked for some thoughts on this very point on my good friend David Matthews’ A to Z Illusions’ Facebook page. There are some great answers there.
The main theme of the answers – if you love something enough, you’ll find a way of making it happen whatever your situation……
At the moment I am working part time with an electrician but just on a quick break for a drink of water today I saw a part of a hedgerow that had some beautiful water drops on the leaves and branches – I’ve just downloaded them and you know what? There is a reasonable couple of photos there – But that’s for YOU to judge!
It was a wet and dreary weather day to start with and I thought no way would I get the camera out…….but I did.

This last one just also happens to look a little like a range of cliffs! Well – it may just seem to!!
Altho’ the day was really dreary, wet and well….just a typical 2013 day it seems, the fact that I carried the camera with me meant that I could just “have a go” and see what came of a short photo session “in the wild” as it were!
They are not necessarily masterpieces but were a bit of fun to take and also practice in using the camera!
No matter how long you have been using a camera – keep practising and getting to know how the thing works in diffrent conditions and situations.
Send in a comment below and say what you think….;)